19:23:20 From Michael Potter : nope. 19:25:48 From ryan.gerry : Yes! 19:55:54 From ryan.gerry : Like a map where people zone in on their town or neighborhood 🙂 20:08:44 From Michael Potter : https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/22365 20:38:14 From kent archie : Very interesting, where was this 30-40 years ago when I was building such things? 20:48:37 From objectsolve : You have to configure all the service tasks and other boxes in your process, correct? You have to define the inputs, outputs, events, and sub-processes. 20:55:50 From objectsolve : Currently using Kogito for orchestration, in a Quarkus, kafka environment. I spend a lot of time determining the inputs, outputs, events, and sub-processes for each box. 20:56:58 From Michael Potter : Thanks Nathan, I have to leave. Successful meeting. Nite. 21:01:26 From Bruce Friedman : Thanks for the (long) presentation Nathan. That was very informative.