
Installing & Running VMWare on Linux

Steven Lembark

Tuesday March 23rd 2004 at 7:00pm
College of DuPage, SRC 1450ab


Virtual Machines ("VM") have been around since mainframe days. They run an operating system on a chip that isn't there in order to do things that the chip that *is* there cannot. The original example was running BSD on mainframes; today it's Windows within Linux. This is more stable than using emulators since Windows is somewhat more bug-comptable with itself.

VMWare can also be used for development, configuration/regression testing, live system installations, and bastion hosts.

The talk will include a tarball installation of VMWare, configuring the VM for installations and Linux to support it, and some examples of handling samba issues.

Speaker Bio

Steve Lembark is a Chicago-based Contract Architect, SysAdmin, and Perl hacker. He started using VMWare in order to avoid dual boots with Windows98 and has since found all sorts of fun things to do with it. If anyone has questions about VMWare or wants to see any specific items covered in the talk he can be contacted via .

Getting to the meeting

The next general meeting of UniForum Chicago will be:

        March 23rd, 2004
	7:00pm to 9:00pm
        College of DuPage
        Building SRC, Rm 1450ab
        22nd and Lambert
        Glen Ellyn, IL 60137-6599
Take 355 to Butterfield Rd (Rt 56).
Take Butterfield West to Lambert Rd, then Lambert Rd North to Circle Drive.
Turn right and look for Lot 8 or the Faculty/Staff parking lot (just north of Lot 8).
Walk to the SRC building, and enter through the south entryway.
Room 1450 is on the first floor, accessable through the cafeteria by walking through it to the far north end.

All UniForum Chicago general meetings are open to the public free of charge.

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