Slides from some recent presentations
Presentation Topic
Seat Belts and Airbags for bash
[download slides]
[Zoom Mtg chat text]
Michael Potter
Orchestrate The Chaos - Process Automation in Modern Architecture
[download slides]
[Zoom Mtg chat text]
Nathan Loding
Integrating AI Into Your Content Creation and Optimization
[download slides]
[Zoom Mtg chat text]
Brian Piper
Learning to Love systemd
[Zoom Mtg chat text]
David Both
Search Engine Optimization: Challenges & Opportunities
[download slides]
[Zoom Mtg chat text]
Joe Vangsness
Bash Configuration and Usage
[Zoom Mtg chat text]
David Both
Automatic Machine Learning with Auto^{n}ML
[download slides]
Piggy Yarroll
My View on the Future of Leadership Computing
[download slides]
[Zoom Mtg chat text]
William Allcock
Quantum Computing
[download slides]
[Zoom Mtg chat text]
Martin Laforest
Interesting & Handy Raspberry Pi Projects
[download slides]
[Zoom Mtg chat text]
Scott Winterroth
Search Engine Optimization: Get Better Results from the Web
[download slides]
[Joe's useful info page]
[Zoom Mtg chat text]
Joe Vangsness
Everything You Need To Know About Electric Vehicles (EVs)
[download slides]
[Zoom Mtg chat text]
Jim Weichel
The Future of Programming (aka The Scribe's Oath)
[download slides]
[Zoom Mtg chat text]
Robert C. Martin
Introducing the Sonic Pi
[Zoom Mtg chat text]
Jonathan Hadley
Launch a WordPress Website (and pick the right theme)
Scott Winterroth
Introduction to Kubernetes
[GitHub Presentation Directory]
Janne Pelkonen
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for 2021: What You Should Know
[SEO Checklist PDF]
[Nancy's Google News]
[Nancy's SEO Tools]
[How do we "Do" SEO: Our SEO Process]
[Writing for the Web]
Nancy Burgess
Tawking Awk
[PDF Extra]
[Zoom Chat txt from meeting]
[YouTube video of meeting]
Kent Archie
Building and Promoting a Website with (Almost) No Budget
[Zoom Chat txt with list of mentioned URLs]
Sally Gradle
Working from Home, & the State/Technology of Video Conferencing
[video on facebook]
Mike Andrews
Seat Belts and Airbags for bash
Michael Potter
Planning a Powerful WordPress Website
Scott Winterroth
Pi-hole, Windows Subsystem for Linux and CircuitPython
Dave Putz & Connie Sieh
Solving the Regular Expressions Puzzle
Jonathan Hadley
(Re)Introducing Aurora: Becoming Exascale Reality
Ti Leggett
Privacy in a Digital Age
Howard Fosdick
Write Once, Run Several Places: Cross platform development on the desktop and mobile
[Presentation and Code on GitHub]
Kent Archie
Teaching Web Skills
Scott Winterroth
Hands-On with IPv6
Peter Fales
How to Make an Old Computer Useful Again
Howard Fosdick
Hands-on With Docker Containers
[Presentation PDF]
[Demo PDF]
Peter Fales
The SIP stack: A look under the hood of Voice over IP
Dr. Vijay K. Gurbani
Get Ready for Parallel Programming, Featuring Parallella
Raymond Hightower
Zero to 26,000: My Journey into Open Source with GitHub
Steven Maguire
The Inner Source Revolution: How corporations create commercial software using open source methodologies
Dr. Vijay Gurbani
Stronger Than Fear: Mental Health in the Developer Community
[YouTube for same presentation previously at Loop Conf]
Ed Finkler
Understanding & Using systemd
Erik Johnson
Intro to 3D Printing
Peter Fales
Fail2Ban: Failure is delay, not defeat
David J. Young
Airborne Weather and Traffic Info using Raspberry Pi
Grant Prellwitz
Recipe for the Perfect Supercomputer
William Allcock
Creating a remote backup appliance with Bit Torrent and Raspberry Pi
Conrad Barski
The Science of Computing @Fermilab
Sharan Kalwani
Conrad Barski - Open Technology PKI
[email Ken to get current PDF]
Ken Schumacher
Introduction to ITIL v3
Ron Young
Building Network Attached Storage
Paul Rak
[PDF Slides]
Erik Johnson
Career Opportunties for Chicagoland C++ Developers in 2012-2013
[PDF Slides]
Gene Panov
Steganography over the Covert Channels of TCP/IP
[PDF Slides]
[PDF WhitePaper]
Hal Wigoda
Linux for Dessert: Experimenting with the Raspberry Pi
Jeff Jirsa
Implementing vSphere
David J Young
Two Extremes: Grid Computing and Globus vs. Massively Parallel Computing for Big Science
William Allcock
Android Development
John Mahady
LinkedIn to Your Job Search
[PDF 1]
[PDF 2]
[PDF 3]
[PDF 4]
Becky Brillon
Parted Magic
John Spizzirri
Three Secrets to Start Earning Money Quickly by Landing Great Freelance and Consulting Clients
Diana Schneidman
Cloud Overview
[PPT Slides]
Jeremy Hajek
Physical Security for Cyborgs
[PDF file]
Roger G. Johnston
Staging up Computer Electronics Apps with Open Source Arduino
[PPT Slides]
Pete DuMelle
What is Cloud Computing Really?
[PPT Slides]
Scott C. Clark
Google Series: picasa
[PPT Slides]
David J Young
Making Drupal Run Faster
[PPT Slides]
Andrew Kucharski
Google Series: books
[PPT Slides]
David J Young
Google Analyze / Google Analytics
[Optimizer PPT Slides]
[Analytics PPT Slides]
Pete DuMelle
Google Series: Earth
[ODT Slides]
John Spizzirri
Google Series: talk
[PPT Slides]
David J Young
Ipv6 - The Next Generation of Internet Protocols
Jon Evans
Google Series: maps
[PPT Slides]
David J Young
An Introduction to Android App Design
[Twitter Page]
[Anthony's Website]
Anthony Hand
Google Series: gmail
[PPT Slides]
David Young
Communication Soft Skills for the Hard Core Geek
[PDF Slides]
[Resources PDF]
Paul Rak
A Zabbix believer's Story
Jayesh Thakrar
iPopping iPhone Apps
Daryl Monge
Open Source Community
[bzipped-2 tex Presentation Source]
Rich Johnson
Resume Recommendations
Lauren Milligan
LinkedIn Tips
Lauren Milligan
Interviewing from both Sides of the Desk
Andy Lester
Introduction to Javascript MVC
Brian Moschel
Bottom up Javascript
Brian Moschel
So why do projects slip?
Ron Holohan
Introduction to Android
Roberto C Serrano
Get On The Stick
John Chapman
Linux Routers
Joe Flasch
CSS comes after HTML
David J. Young
HAML, SASS & Tenplate
Dan Nawara
iPhone SDK
Rakesh Vidyadharan
Solaris Virtulization
Asim Zuberi
Z Linux presentation
Scott O. Lundell
Bacula - an opensource backup tool
Hemant Shah
How to Secure Your Windows PC and Your Privacy
[PDF Document Based on Last Year's Presentation]
Howard Fosdick
How to Revive an Old Pentium
Howard Fosdick
Favorite Websites and Firefox Add-Ons
Sept 25, 2007 general meeting
David J. Young
Sudo - Beginner to expert in one hour
Michael Potter
SSH presentation
Hemant Shah
Introduction to Unicode
Clyde Forrester
Symfony & PHP5
Jeff Jirsa
Extracting HAM from SPAM using ASSP
David J. Young
Advanced Shell Scripting using BASH
Michael Potter
I18N with Catalyst and Petal
Andrew Rodland
How to make Windows Secure -- with Free Software
[Presentation PPT]
Link to Howard's
dbazine article
Howard Fosdick
An Introduction to XML
[Presentation PPT]
Scott J. Nemec
A Subversion presentation <04/25/2006>
[Presentation PPT]
Brian W. Fitzpatrick
MySQL: the Company and the Technology
[Presentation PPT]
John Bradford
Hardening Linux
[Presentation PPT]
[Other Files]
Gregory D. Rosenberg and Lee Leahu
JiBX - Another Way to Handle XML in Java
Dave Lucek
a presentation on the Rexx scripting language
Howard Fosdick
Implementing a Continuous Integration Environment with Open Source
Java Object/Relational Persistence with Hibernate
Dave Lucek
Advice for a Job Search
Andy Lester
Using MPLS for a VPN
Fred Baker
Fred Baker
World's Largest Databases
Howard Fosdisk
Perl Wizardry from the Command-Line
Andy Lester
SANs (part 2) - SAN Disk Metrics
Michael F. Lavelle
SANs (part 1) - SAN Usage
Michael F. Lavelle
Computer Jobs Survival Guide
Howard Fosdick
Test Driven Development
James Grenning
Modern Network Killing Robots presentation
Viki Navratilova
CGI::Application presentation
Mike Fragassi
Basic Java Servlet/JSP Web Dev
[servlet demo (ZIP)]
David Lucek
PHP Web Development
Jeff Jirsa
Samba presentation
Arun Khan
VPN presentation
Fred Baker
Java Open Source Development Kit presentation
Firewalls presentation
Fred Baker
Enterprise Java Beans presentation
Cedrick Johnson
Linux GUI Development tools presentation
Leland Brode
More Material from Extreme Programming talk
La Monte Yarroll
Linux and Firewalls
Blair Hick
Linux and Embedded OS's
Bill Latura
Kevin Conder
Being an Independent Consultant
Howard Fosdick
Burke Gallagher
Richard Wolf
Perl DBI libraries
Steven Lembark
High Availabilty
Asim & Ayaz
Jay Strauss
The Linux Kernel
Daniel Bovet
Joe Kaplenk
Object Perl
Steven Lembark
Oracle for System Administrators
Mark Dawson
Computer Simulation Tools for Engineering Managers
Barry Nelson
Distributed Denial of Service Attacks
Viki Navratilova
Matt Coffey
Sunil Khandwala
David Young
Paul Jonusaitis
David Young
Chris Wichura
David Young
Remote Access
Mike Andrew
Internet Firewalls
Doug Price
Regular Expressions
Glenn Stafford
Java RMI
IP Masquerading
Brian Vargyas
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