Slides from some recent presentations

Presentation TopicPresenter
Seat Belts and Airbags for bash
[download slides]
[Zoom Mtg chat text]
Michael Potter
Orchestrate The Chaos - Process Automation in Modern Architecture
[download slides]
[Zoom Mtg chat text]
Nathan Loding
Integrating AI Into Your Content Creation and Optimization
[download slides]
[Zoom Mtg chat text]
Brian Piper
Learning to Love systemd
[Zoom Mtg chat text]
David Both
Search Engine Optimization: Challenges & Opportunities
[download slides]
[Zoom Mtg chat text]
Joe Vangsness
Bash Configuration and Usage
[Zoom Mtg chat text]
David Both
Automatic Machine Learning with Auto^{n}ML
[download slides]
Piggy Yarroll
My View on the Future of Leadership Computing
[download slides]
[Zoom Mtg chat text]
William Allcock
Quantum Computing
[download slides]
[Zoom Mtg chat text]
Martin Laforest
Interesting & Handy Raspberry Pi Projects
[download slides]
[Zoom Mtg chat text]
Scott Winterroth
Search Engine Optimization: Get Better Results from the Web
[download slides]
[Joe's useful info page]
[Zoom Mtg chat text]
Joe Vangsness
Everything You Need To Know About Electric Vehicles (EVs)
[download slides]
[Zoom Mtg chat text]
Jim Weichel
The Future of Programming (aka The Scribe's Oath)
[download slides]
[Zoom Mtg chat text]
Robert C. Martin
Introducing the Sonic Pi
[Zoom Mtg chat text]
Jonathan Hadley
Launch a WordPress Website (and pick the right theme)
Scott Winterroth
Introduction to Kubernetes
[GitHub Presentation Directory]
Janne Pelkonen
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for 2021: What You Should Know

[SEO Checklist PDF]
[Nancy's Google News]
[Nancy's SEO Tools]
[How do we "Do" SEO: Our SEO Process]
[Writing for the Web]
Nancy Burgess
Tawking Awk
[PDF Extra]
[Zoom Chat txt from meeting]
[YouTube video of meeting]
Kent Archie
Building and Promoting a Website with (Almost) No Budget
[Zoom Chat txt with list of mentioned URLs]
Sally Gradle
Working from Home, & the State/Technology of Video Conferencing
[video on facebook]
Mike Andrews
Seat Belts and Airbags for bash
Michael Potter
Planning a Powerful WordPress Website
Scott Winterroth
Pi-hole, Windows Subsystem for Linux and CircuitPython
Dave Putz & Connie Sieh
Solving the Regular Expressions Puzzle
Jonathan Hadley
(Re)Introducing Aurora: Becoming Exascale Reality
[PDF] [MP4] [MP4] [MP4] [MP4]
Ti Leggett
Privacy in a Digital Age
Howard Fosdick
Write Once, Run Several Places: Cross platform development on the desktop and mobile
[Presentation and Code on GitHub]
Kent Archie
Teaching Web Skills
Scott Winterroth
Hands-On with IPv6
Peter Fales
How to Make an Old Computer Useful Again
Howard Fosdick
Hands-on With Docker Containers
[Presentation PDF] [Demo PDF]
Peter Fales
The SIP stack: A look under the hood of Voice over IP [PDF] Dr. Vijay K. Gurbani
Get Ready for Parallel Programming, Featuring Parallella [PDF] Raymond Hightower
Zero to 26,000: My Journey into Open Source with GitHub [WebSlides] Steven Maguire
The Inner Source Revolution: How corporations create commercial software using open source methodologies
Dr. Vijay Gurbani
Stronger Than Fear: Mental Health in the Developer Community
[YouTube for same presentation previously at Loop Conf]
Ed Finkler
Understanding & Using systemd
Erik Johnson
Intro to 3D Printing
Peter Fales
Fail2Ban: Failure is delay, not defeat
David J. Young

Airborne Weather and Traffic Info using Raspberry Pi
Grant Prellwitz
Recipe for the Perfect Supercomputer
William Allcock
Creating a remote backup appliance with Bit Torrent and Raspberry Pi
Conrad Barski
The Science of Computing @Fermilab
Sharan Kalwani
Conrad Barski - Open Technology PKI
[email Ken to get current PDF]
Ken Schumacher
Introduction to ITIL v3
Ron Young
Building Network Attached Storage
Paul Rak
[PDF Slides]
Erik Johnson
Career Opportunties for Chicagoland C++ Developers in 2012-2013
[PDF Slides]
Gene Panov
Steganography over the Covert Channels of TCP/IP
[PDF Slides] [PDF WhitePaper]
Hal Wigoda
Linux for Dessert: Experimenting with the Raspberry Pi [PPT] Jeff Jirsa
Implementing vSphere [PPTX] David J Young
Two Extremes: Grid Computing and Globus vs. Massively Parallel Computing for Big Science [PDF] William Allcock
Android Development [PDF] John Mahady
LinkedIn to Your Job Search
[PDF 1] [PDF 2] [PDF 3] [PDF 4]
Becky Brillon
Parted Magic [Zip] John Spizzirri
Three Secrets to Start Earning Money Quickly by Landing Great Freelance and Consulting Clients [PPT] Diana Schneidman
Cloud Overview [PPT Slides] Jeremy Hajek
Physical Security for Cyborgs [PDF file] Roger G. Johnston
Staging up Computer Electronics Apps with Open Source Arduino [PPT Slides] Pete DuMelle
What is Cloud Computing Really? [PPT Slides] Scott C. Clark
Google Series: picasa [PPT Slides] David J Young
Making Drupal Run Faster [PPT Slides] Andrew Kucharski
Google Series: books [PPT Slides] David J Young
Google Analyze / Google Analytics [Optimizer PPT Slides] [Analytics PPT Slides] Pete DuMelle
Google Series: Earth [ODT Slides] John Spizzirri
Google Series: talk [PPT Slides] David J Young
Ipv6 - The Next Generation of Internet Protocols [PPTX] Jon Evans
Google Series: maps [PPT Slides] David J Young
An Introduction to Android App Design
[Twitter Page] [Anthony's Website]
Anthony Hand
Google Series: gmail
[PPT Slides]
David Young
Communication Soft Skills for the Hard Core Geek
[PDF Slides] [Resources PDF]
Paul Rak
A Zabbix believer's Story [PPT]
Jayesh Thakrar
iPopping iPhone Apps [PDF]
Daryl Monge
Open Source Community [PDF]
[bzipped-2 tex Presentation Source]
Rich Johnson
Resume Recommendations [PDF]Lauren Milligan
LinkedIn Tips [PDF]Lauren Milligan
Interviewing from both Sides of the Desk [PDF]Andy Lester
Introduction to Javascript MVC [HREF]Brian Moschel
Bottom up Javascript [HREF]Brian Moschel
So why do projects slip? [PDF]Ron Holohan
Introduction to Android [PDF]Roberto C Serrano
Get On The Stick [PDF]John Chapman
Linux Routers [PDF]Joe Flasch
CSS comes after HTML [PPT]David J. Young
HAML, SASS & Tenplate [PPT]Dan Nawara
iPhone SDK [PDF]Rakesh Vidyadharan
Solaris Virtulization [PPT]Asim Zuberi
Z Linux presentation [PPT]Scott O. Lundell
Bacula - an opensource backup tool [PDF]Hemant Shah
How to Secure Your Windows PC and Your Privacy
[PDF Document Based on Last Year's Presentation]
Howard Fosdick
How to Revive an Old Pentium[PPT]Howard Fosdick
Favorite Websites and Firefox Add-Ons [HTML]Sept 25, 2007 general meeting
TiddlyWiki [HTML]David J. Young
Sudo - Beginner to expert in one hour [PDF]Michael Potter
SSH presentation [PDF]Hemant Shah
Introduction to Unicode [HTML]Clyde Forrester
Symfony & PHP5 [Impress]Jeff Jirsa
Extracting HAM from SPAM using ASSP [PPT]David J. Young
Advanced Shell Scripting using BASH [Presentation]Michael Potter
I18N with Catalyst and Petal [Presentation]Andrew Rodland
How to make Windows Secure -- with Free Software [Presentation PPT]
Link to Howard's dbazine article
Howard Fosdick
An Introduction to XML [Presentation PPT] Scott J. Nemec
A Subversion presentation <04/25/2006> [Presentation PPT] Brian W. Fitzpatrick
MySQL: the Company and the Technology [Presentation PPT] John Bradford
Hardening Linux [Presentation PPT] [Other Files] Gregory D. Rosenberg and Lee Leahu
JiBX - Another Way to Handle XML in Java [PDF] Dave Lucek
a presentation on the Rexx scripting language [PPT] Howard Fosdick
Implementing a Continuous Integration Environment with Open Source [PPT]
Java Object/Relational Persistence with Hibernate [PDF] Dave Lucek
Advice for a Job Search [PDF] [Join CHICOMPJOBS] Andy Lester
Using MPLS for a VPN [PPT]   Fred Baker
A BGP/MPLS VPN Case Study [PPT]   Fred Baker
World's Largest Databases   [PPT]Howard Fosdisk
Perl Wizardry from the Command-Line    [PDF]Andy Lester
SANs (part 2) - SAN Disk Metrics    [PPT]Michael F. Lavelle
SANs (part 1) - SAN Usage    [PPT]Michael F. Lavelle
Computer Jobs Survival Guide - [PPT]Howard Fosdick
Test Driven Development [PDF]James Grenning
Modern Network Killing Robots presentation [PPT] Viki Navratilova
CGI::Application presentation [ZIP]Mike Fragassi
Basic Java Servlet/JSP Web Dev - [PPT]
[servlet demo (ZIP)]
David Lucek
PHP Web Development [PPT]Jeff Jirsa
Samba presentation [PPT]Arun Khan
VPN presentation [PPT]Fred Baker
Java Open Source Development Kit presentation [PPT] [OpenOffice]
Firewalls presentation [PPT]Fred Baker
Enterprise Java Beans presentation [PDF]Cedrick Johnson
Linux GUI Development tools presentation [PPT]Leland Brode
More Material from Extreme Programming talk [LINKs] La Monte Yarroll
Linux and Firewalls [PPT]Blair Hick
Linux and Embedded OS's [PPT]Bill Latura
DocBookKevin Conder
Being an Independent ConsultantHoward Fosdick
WSDLBurke Gallagher
PThreadsRichard Wolf
Perl DBI libraries [TXT]Steven Lembark
High AvailabiltyAsim & Ayaz
Apache/Mod_Perl/Oracle [LINK]Jay Strauss
The Linux KernelDaniel Bovet
VMwareJoe Kaplenk
Object Perl [TXT]Steven Lembark
Oracle for System AdministratorsMark Dawson
Computer Simulation Tools for Engineering ManagersBarry Nelson
Distributed Denial of Service AttacksViki Navratilova
Mod-PerlMatt Coffey
E-Commerce Sunil Khandwala
CGIDavid Young
CORBA - [PDF]Paul Jonusaitis
EmacsDavid Young
Squid - [PDF]Chris Wichura
ATM - [PDF]David Young
Remote Access - [PDF]Mike Andrew
Internet FirewallsDoug Price
Regular ExpressionsGlenn Stafford
Java RMI - [PDF]Venkat
IP Masquerading - [PDF]Brian Vargyas

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